Wednesday 16 March 2011

Why Choose InviroShield UVGI Systems?

  • Special ‘safety first’ features for off-coil installation, to prevent short circuit and shock hazard on condensation.
    • Leak tight lamp head
    • Fully sealed ballast
  • Quartz Shield, Double Glass Construction provides multiple benefits 
  • Prevents output reduction due to Wind Chill Effect as it keeps lamp core warm even in 10-15oC air flow.

Designed specifically for Air Conditioning applications, InviroShield provides 2.5 times higher output than ordinary UV Lamps
  • Provides an additional layer to UVGI lamps and acts as a protection against accidental breakage as it is stronger (nearly 3 times thicker) than the UV lamp material.
  • Stainless Steel Angular Reflector ensures that all UV energy from the lamp is directed properly and evenly on coil and drain pan surfaces.
  • UV Stable wiring and materials used. Common PVC wires will not last in UV exposure
  • Ease of Installation and maintenance: InviroShield comes with full installation kit for AHU and no other framework is required.
  • Shatter Proof Lining of lamps with UV transparent material (optional).
  • Provision for BAS communication, which gives 0-5 mV signal for fault reporting.
  • Door Switch option for AHU panels to ensure safety of maintenance personnel.

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