Thursday 19 April 2012

Heat Pipe for Hotels

A typical hotel building has a roof top exhaust system that keeps the guest room toilets fresh. The make-up outside air needs to be supplied to each of the rooms to prevent them from being negative pressure.

In tropical climates the outdoor air is the biggest source of moisture and needs to be pre-cooled in order to remove moisture via a pre-cool AHU. With traditional design practice, usually fresh air is cooled by a Pre-AHU to 23 degree C and 95% RH. At this temperature the fresh air moisture is only reduced by 10-15% from starting levels. Any lower temperatures of fresh air can cause condensation problems in the room as the air is fully saturated with moisture. 
Therefore, with normal pre-cooling, the fresh air is cooled but is not dehumidified enough to solve moisture problems. Result is that within a few years of hotel operation, rooms begin to get stale smells and mold & fungus problems.

Heat Pipe Solution allows the fresh air to be supplied to rooms at 22 degree C temperature but with an RH of 55%. This dry air supply prevents the growth of mold and fungus in the guest rooms and keeps the guests happy and hotel reputation intact. 

Heat Pipes cost nothing to operate and provide dual savings by pre-cooling and reheating simultaneously. Since heat pipes have no moving parts, there is no chance of breakdown or any maintenance costs to be incurred over its entire life span.

Several hotels have already benefitted with InviroTech Heat Pipes and are enjoying great savings continuously.

Friday 16 March 2012

InviroTech products listed in GreenPages Malaysia

Green Pages Malaysia is an information resource directory for green building products and services. The primary objective of Green Pages Malaysia is in connecting sustainable building products and services to conscientious clients, developers and building professionals.  

This directory will be available both online and also in the form of a hard copy magazine. 

The user-friendly, online interface will be consistently updated and maintained for the convenience of customer reference. Green building products and services listings are stringently regulated and screened by the trusted Advisory Board, an independent committee consisting of MGBC Board Members, invited professionals and industry experts in their respective fields. The Advisory Board reviews and decides on what is suitable to be listed.

InviroTech Systems has been successful in getting its products listed in the GreenPages Malaysia Directory. To view our directory listings, please click on the links below.

a) Heat Pipes:
Listed under Energy Efficiency Section

b) InviroShield UVGI Systems:
Listed under Energy Efficiency Section

c) InviroTech-Trion Electronic Filter Bank:
Listed under Energy Efficiency Section

d) InviroTech-Trion Electronic Air Cleaners:
Listed under Indoor Environmental Quality Section

e) InviroTech-Klingenburg Heat Recovery Wheels:
Listed under Energy Efficiency Section

Should you require any further information on our Green Products, please contact us.