Thursday 24 February 2011

12 Good Reasons for using InviroTech Heat Pipes

InviroTech System is the pioneer in introducing Heat Pipe Technology in Malaysia. InviroTech Heat Pipes offer the following advantages.
  • Keeps indoor space healthy with humidity control at 50 – 55% RH
  • Savings, Savings and Savings - Payback period usually in less than one year.
    • Operating Cost Savings – zero operating cost.
    • Capital cost savings 
    • Installation Space Savings.
  • No electrical connection needed - requires no external energy to operate
  • Low pressure drop
  • Customized construction to suit any ‘Air Handling Unit’
  • No plant room space required, installation inside AHU
  • ‘Zero’ maintenance. Only simple cleaning required
  • Completely silent operation - No moving parts
  • Long Service Life – no wear and tear, nothing to replace.
  • Easy to regulate reheat with thermostat control.
  • Qualifies for government tax benefits for 'Green Technologies'
  • Easily gets points in Green Rating Systems like Leed, BCI, GBI etc.

For inviting our Sales Executives, please call us on +603 78454510 or fax at +60378458979.

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